In an excerpt from her new online course, “Real Life,” Buddhist teacher Sharon Salzberg provides strategies for dealing with intrusive thoughts and painful mind states.
We Can’t Always Get What We Want (And That’s All Right)
Accepting the inevitability of loss is essential to happiness
Práctica: Quitar el dolor del apego
Probablemente podrías dejar ir algunas cosas.
A Koan for These Times
How koans can teach us to embrace uncertainty in the face of the climate crisis
Plática Dhármica: Este Mismo Cuerpo
La práctica debe implicar a todo nuestro ser, no sólo a la cabeza
¿Qué hay en una palabra? Sankhara
Corta las raíces kármicas de la "formación”
Embodying the Equanimity and Fierce Compassion of Avalokiteshvara
Kaira Jewel Lingo reflects on the words of her teacher, the value of generating upeksa during times of great duress, and how to rethink peace as an active process.
Everyday Devotion
What happens when we give our heart to something completely?
Conoce a una maestra: Venerable Jissai Prince-Cherry
Momentos decisivos impulsan a un sacerdote zen por el camino.
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