Film Club

Buddhist films and discussion for the Tricycle community
Film CLub Archive

The Lion’s Roar

Mark Elliott

the lion's roar

Originally released in 1985 in 16mm and beautifully remastered in 2021, The Lion’s Roar is an intimate portrait of the late 16th Gyalwa Karmapa, head of the Karma Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism.

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Former Film Club Selections

Shugendō Now

Jean-Marc Abela

In this poetic documentary feature, follow along with a group of modern practitioners as they journey into sacred mountains and seek to integrate the nature-based practices of Shugendō into their modern urban lives. 

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Buddhist Shorts Film Festival 2022

Buddhist Shorts Film Festival 2022

Celebrate the New Year with Tricycle’s Buddhist Shorts Film Festival! This January, we’re featuring five short films documenting Buddhist diversity around the world. Among the cinematic journeys in store, we’ll take a glimpse inside the mind of Thomas Merton, enjoy an animated tale about the Yarlung river, and follow the story of a strained friendship […]

Burma Storybook

Petr Lom, Corinne van Egeraat

For many Burmese people, poetry has been a source of hope and resiliency, helping them survive the military dictatorship’s total control over the country. In this 2017 documentary, take a cinematic trip to Myanmar and see the country through its people’s eyes and poetry. Burma Storybook centers around the 70 year-old activist and writer Maung Aung Pwint, as he navigates life after his imprisonment and the long-awaited return of his son returning home after two decades of political exile.

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Film CLub Archive
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