
Fleet Maull Retreat begins today!

This post contains video. View Week 1 trailer here Week 1 of Fleet Maull’s online retreat, “Social Awakening: Realizing the Basic Goodness of Society,” starts today! Over the next month, Fleet will present a series of…

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Buddha Buzz

Buddha Buzz: Buddhist History in Danger

Sad news from the Maldives this week, an islands-nation that lies southwest of India. The Maldives, though now strictly Islamic, was Buddhist until the 12th century. In recent political turmoil, during which the first democratically elected…

By Tricycle

Film Club: Edge of Dreaming

For our third Tricycle Film Club offering, we’re pleased to present Edge of Dreaming, a haunting and meditative film from Scottish filmmaker Amy Hardie that is presented by Alive Mind Cinema. Hardie built a career on…

By Tricycle

Tricycle Retreat: Meditation in Motion

This post contains audio, video, or images. View media now Jill Satterfield has taught meditation and yoga exercises in a number of different traditions. For our February Tricycle Retreat, “Meditation in Motion,” which begins on Feburary…

By Tricycle

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