
Nagapriya is an author, scholar, and ordained Dharmachari in the Triratna Buddhist Order. Originally from the UK, in 2013 he moved to Mexico, where he helped found the Centro Budista de Cuernavaca. He is cofounder and director of Editorial Dharmamegha, a small publishing venture dedicated to sharing Buddhist teachings in the Spanish-speaking world.


More is Always on the Way

I was on the bus to work the other day, when a taxi passed by bearing the slogan: ‘More is always on the way’. It turned out to be an advert for holidays to Turkey. More…

By Nagapriya


Why I Love the Olympics

I have to admit that I have been glued to the TV in recent days watching the Olympics. I never realised before that I could care so much about cycling, gymnastics, or even sailing. The viewing…

By Nagapriya

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