Director: Paul MacGowan
Country: USA
Year: 2023

Wandering . . . But Not Lost is an intimate account of beloved meditation teacher Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche’s 4-1/2-year retreat as a homeless yogi. Renouncing the comforts of monastery life, he begs for food, seeks shelter, and even survives a near-death experience—challenges that ultimately offer a unique opportunity for insight into the nature of mind. (Read a review of the film from our Winter 2021 issue here.)

This film will be available to stream until 11:59 p.m. ET on Friday, December 1, 2023. 

Photographs courtesy of Lama Tashi, Paul MacGowan and James Hopkins.

Mingyur Rinpoche at a Padmasambhava cave in Langtang, Nepal where he spent several months during his wandering retreat.

One of the few photos of Rinpoche on retreat, taken by Lama Tashi.
Mingyur Rinpoche clearly enjoyed revisiting some of the places he had been on retreat during the filming of the documentary.
Rinpoche talking to some villagers in the Himalayas.
Mingyur Rinpoche revisiting a cave in the Himalayas.
Rinpoche walking in the mountains at 13,000ft. in Langtang, Nepal
Mingyur Rinpoche looks on while Director Paul MacGowan flies a drone.