Virtual Events and Retreats

Tricycle offers many virtual events on a donation basis. Click here to donate. To enjoy more from Tricycle, sign up for a 4-week free trial today.

Upcoming Events

Pilgrimage to Sri Lanka with Tricycle and Andrew Olendzki, January 4-15, 2024

Pilgrimage to Sri Lanka

Immerse yourself in the cultural and spiritual heritage of the “Island of Gems” next January on this 12-day pilgrimage to Sri Lanka—January 4-15, 2024.

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Pilgrimage to Ladakh

Immerse yourself in Tibetan Buddhism on the rooftop of the world during this all-inclusive, small-group journey to Ladakh, India. We’ll use the Indus River Valley as our home base on this Himalayan pilgrimage in ‘Little Tibet’ from May 15-27 and June 1-13, 2024.

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Past Events

Pilgrimage to India & Nepal

Join us on this Buddhist Pilgrimage to India & Nepal and explore what the Buddha said there are four sites that every committed dharma practitioner should visit. October 31 – November 13, 2023.

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The Asking: A Poetry Reading & Conversation with Jane Hirshfield

Join us on September 26 at 5pm ET for a poetry reading and discussion with Hirshfield about her new body of work. In conversation with Tricycle’s Editor-in-Chief James Shaheen, she will share poems from her new collection, offer insights at the intersection of Buddhist practice and creative process, explore her upbringing and inspirations, and consider how we can live with greater courage, curiosity and kinship with all of life.

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Pilgrimage to Mongolia with Tricycle and Megan Mook August 4-17, 2023

Pilgrimage to Mongolia

Join us on this Buddhist Pilgrimage to Mongolia and witness a Buddhist renaissance firsthand in the Land of the Eternal Blue Sky—August 4-17, 2023.

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Dark Meditation: Exploring Inner Space with Lama Justin von Bujdoss 

On August 10 at 3 p.m. ET, von Bujdoss joins Tricycle in conversation with Executive Editor Phil Ryan to discuss the practice of dark meditation within the context of Vajrayana Buddhist tradition. He will share insights from his own 49-day retreat—which ultimately led to his decision to leave his work as a chaplain within the New York City department of corrections—and will answer questions from the audience.

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The Lojong Slogans: A Practical Guide to a Compassionate Life with Judy Lief 

Join us on July 28 at 4-5 pm ET for an exploration and demonstration of lojong slogan practice with Acharya Judy Lief, a teacher in the Shambhala tradition of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. Lief is the editor of Chogyam Trungpa’s Training the Mind, which contains Trungpa Rinpoche’s commentaries on the lojong teachings. In this hour-long virtual event, Lief will offer an introduction to lojong practice, walk us through several of the 59 slogans, and take questions from the audience.

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Dharma & Emancipation: Reflections on Juneteenth with Dr. Kamilah Majied

Everyone can practice with and reflect on Juneteenth as a part of their liberation from the effects of enslavement, including waking up to the aspects of their lives that are impacted by the power, oppression and privilege dynamics that are residuals of the enslavement of African heritage people. Sign up to receive this conversation with Dr. Kamilah Majied, PhD exploring these topics and more.

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Coming Together in Times of Ecological Crisis: A Council Session with Zen Peacemakers & Tricycle

On May 4, 2023, 1-2:30pm EDT, senior Zen Peacemakers and dharma teachers will lead a session of Council focused on the prompt: As we face and experience the very real possibility of extreme environmental crisis and extinction in our lifetimes and certainly within the lifetimes of our descendants, how does this affect us personally and emotionally? How does this knowledge feel most intimately, from deeper below our thinking minds?

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The Buddhism & Ecology Summit: Transforming Anxiety into Awakened Action  

Join us April 17-21 for Tricycle’s second annual Buddhism and Ecology Summit, a weeklong series of conversations with Buddhist teachers, writers, environmental activists and psychologists on transforming eco-anxiety into awakened action. We’ll offer perspectives and practices for working with difficult emotions and creating pathways to meaningful action. 

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Finding Freedom in the Unknown: A Workshop with Martin Aylward

Join us for a virtual workshop with Insight Meditation teacher and author Martin Aylward. In this hour-long free event, Aylward will guide an exploration underneath our usual mind operations and into dimensions of not knowing like non-conceptual awareness, embodied presence, and spaciousness of being.

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The Not-Self Strategy: A Conversation with Thanissaro Bhikkhu

In this hour-long conversation with Tricycle’s editor-in-chief James Shaheen, Ven. Thanissaro will consider why the Buddha refused to answer the question of whether there is a self—and what question the not-self teaching does answer. He will also explore questions including the function of the not-self teachings for liberating the mind and the attachments that arise from belief in a permanent self. Bring your questions! 

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Trusting Your Own Mind: Writing and Zen with Natalie Goldberg

Explore the intersections of writing, meditation and Zen with Natalie Goldberg, a Zen practitioner of more than 40 years and beloved teacher of writing as a spiritual practice. Goldberg is the author of 15 books including Writing Down the Bones, the classic guide to writing which has sold over one million copies, and is the guide of a new eight-week online course, Writing Down the Bones.

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Tricycle Meditation Month 2023

Tricycle Meditation Month is an annual challenge to commit to a daily practice throughout January. This year’s theme is samadhi and will be led by Christina Feldman: author, co-founder of meditation retreat center Gaia House, and a guiding teacher emeritus at Insight Meditation Society in Barre, Massachusetts.

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Meditation Month 2023: Live Q&A Call

Are you joining Tricycle this January in committing to a daily meditation practice? Don’t miss your chance to ask any questions about your practice in a live Q&A call with Meditation Month teacher Christina Feldman! 

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Walking with the Buddha: A Pilgrimage to India & Nepal

Take a once-in-a-lifetime journey to visit these sacred sites across Northern India and Nepal. On this special triple-carbon-offset pilgrimage, coming up December 3-18, you’ll visit some of Buddhism’s most holy places with an intimate group of like-minded seekers and practitioners.

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Aging and Impermanence: A Conversation with Lewis Richmond and Douglas Penick 

Join authors and Buddhist teachers Lewis Richmond and Douglas Penick for a conversation on aging as a profound teaching in impermanence. Together, they will explore questions including how to manage the increased uncertainty that getting older brings and finding the seeds of awakening in confronting our own mortality.

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Buddhism and Artificial Intelligence: Exploring Consciousness with Dr. Nikki Mirghafori

Join Tricycle on Thursday, November 17 for a lively conversation at the intersection of Buddhism, ethics, and artificial intelligence. In this hour-long virtual event—hosted as part of Tricycle’s monthly Premium speaker series—Nikki Mirghafori, an Artificial Intelligence scientist and Buddhist meditation teacher, will discuss AI as it relates to questions of consciousness, ethics, selfhood, intentionality, and more. 

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Living Well in Difficult Times Virtual Summit

Tricycle’s upcoming virtual event series, Living Well in Difficult Times, features conversations with Buddhist teachers, psychologists and writers exploring the building blocks of a life well-lived, from emotional well-being to right livelihood to spiritual friendship. This weeklong event series offers philosophical inquiries into human flourishing and the path of awakening, as well as practical tools and guidance for living the best possible life—no matter what challenges we face in our lives or on the planet.

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